Serpent's Whisper
Another turned look, abundance pours, a million worship keys to eternal gardens true.
From Rabiu Kassim's Poetry Collections
Rabiu Kassim (A.K.A Excel MD)
Cheer no more, O serpent, I'll listen to you no more!
Your deceptive mirror, I shun, lest I die and decay.
Yesterday, I trod the right path, a step towards greener pastures.
My strength was profuse perspiration, my bathing ritual.
But then, the panegyric praises of suitors set me ablaze,
Deaf and dumb stories of today, a testament to life's maze.
Oh, the incomprehensible nature of my journey!
How injurious the wagging tongues of Judas, a betrayal to abhor.
One sudden storm blew me off course, the insincere clapping of men
Sank my canoe deep, a lesson learned, a truth to amend.
I'll listen to you no more, mankind, deceive not like your father Adam,
Lest you find yourself in a casket, your final home, a solemn pardon.
Man's path is dusty and doubtful, profitless and short,
But in your Maker, flowers bloom, a treasure to report.
One turned look at your Maker, makes your life anew,
Another turned look, abundance pours, a million worship keys to eternal gardens true.
From Rabiu Kassim's Poetry Collections
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